Edit Menu


The options under the Edit menu allow users to set display and file management preferences, to open a new viewer form for selecting EFT criteria (scenarios/indicators/years), and to name/rename viewer forms.

The option to add a new viewer form can also be accessed by clicking on the Add Viewer toolbar button.

The options under the Edit menu are:


Access the Preferences form by choosing Preferences from the Edit menu.

The Preferences form has four tabs:

The tabs and options on this form are:

Add Viewer

Click on this option under the Edit menu to open a Viewer form that lists the EFT criteria (i.e., scenarios, indicators and years) for which model output can be viewed. The same form can be opened by clicking on the toolbar button of the same name. This form can be sized by left-clicking and dragging any corner or side of the form.

The options on this form are:

Scenario list

Indicator list

Year list

Lists and briefly describes all of the scenarios for which output can be viewed

Lists and briefly describes all of the performance measures for which output can be viewed

Lists the years for which model output exists (1920 - 2005); if you select multiple scenarios on the Viewer form, only the years for which output exists for all selected scenarios will be enabled in the list.

Rename Viewer

Click on this option under the Edit menu to name, or rename, a Viewer form.

To name or rename a Viewer form:

    1. With the form you wish to name or rename open, select Rename Viewer from the Edit menu.

If you have more than one Viewer form open, click on the one you want to rename to give it the focus before opening the Rename Viewer form.

    1. Type the name you wish to use for the form directly into the New Viewer Name field.
    2. Click OK to close the Rename Viewer form.
    3. The new name will be saved the next time you save your EFT file.